Poetry and Stories

The Tiffany Holloway Academy of the Arts What is the Academy About? Guestbook Art Photos What's New at the Academy? Links to Sites of Those We Work With Literacy  and Education at the Academy Music at the Academy Theater at the Academy Sports at the Academy Diversity at the Academy Art at the Academy Nutrition and Health Awareness at the Academy Dance at the Academy Field Trips at the Academy Workshops at the Academy Entrepreneurship at the Academy Car Wash at the Academy Restaurant at the Academy Beauty Shop at the Academy Our Organization Will Broadcast A Number Of Its Events From Our Local Cable Station The Wall of Tears Art Gallery Poetry and Stories Tiffany Hollaway Corkboard Fashion Opportunities at the Academy

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If you are interested in joining the academy, please contact the academy at tiffanyhollawayacademyofthearts@yahoo.com

Please email us if you have a poem or a story that you would like to submit.

Please consider submitting poems that are anti-alcohol or drugs or related to teens or the arts!

If you do drugs,

You will get shrugs

And you will fall

With alcohol

But you would be smart

To do the arts

So the place to be

Is our academy